Letter to the Editor

“They” – a great word which generally divides “them” from “US”.
The only problem here is they are also us while making decisions against us for the support of a new hierarchy which is exactly as the old one, only trying to squeeze more blood out of stone that has no blood at all. Australians are still hanging on and treasuring “fake” memories and glories of the past, which includes a Senate as part of a Government on strings in a system which from the beginning was installed and overseen by glorious colonialists which “decedents” are now stepping in to harvest what was sown by their forefathers of the hidden hand.

Chaos and dependency always will go hand in hand.
Hanson, another Australian career politician, who has spend most of her life in the political sewer that is called Australian democracy is plainly part of “them” that have been present since decades lubricating the process of demise in a country that never was. Elections (fake or not) never were a remedy to cause equality in “us”. On the contrary. “WE” are not “them” some say. “WE” vote “them” out to save “us”. A very nice dream is still a dream!!!

Elections can and will not stop the sinking of the “Australian Titanic”. Gravity will. Only a process of sorting “them” from us will bring results but it still will not stop the ship from going under as the vessel itself was never designed as sea worthy in the first place. It is global business as usual (as it always was throughout the centuries) and it eventually will devour itself into a new beginning which than should only include US without any of “THEM” – if humanity finally manages to learn from mistakes of a misguided past and ultimately grows together as ONE and US without any of THEM, that are willfully causing harm to others.

from Jo