This unintelligent woman, Michelle O’Neil, is just one of a long line of socialist Labor stooges put in charge of the Australian Council of Trade Unions to ensure the Labor Party gets into government.

ACTU President Michele O’Neil is flogging the dead horse of climate change while the Covid vaxx decimates her dwindling membership

The ACTU and unions generally are finished as far as being the worker’s representative in the Australian labour market.

Tens of thousands of blue collar workers have lost their jobs as a result of the Deep State’s Covid scam but not a word from compromised union leaders, most of whom are known crooks and communist sympathisers.

One has to only look at the disgraced CFMEU leader in Victoria John Setka, who is in the pocket and pay of the corrupt communist dictator Dan Andrews.

O’Neil, the intellectual pygmy and President of the ACTU is pushing climate policy as being the coming cataclysm for Australia and is terrorising Prime Minister Scott Morrison about ignoring it.

One can thank God the PM is relegating it to the bottom of the policy pile, in reality, while giving it some scant relevance to keep the Greens and Labor at bay.

Most people living in regional Australia have largely disregarded Al Gore’s thoroughly discredited climate change theory while sea levels around Australia have not increased one millimetre is one hundred years and the temperature has not yet, if it ever does, reach the higher levels of the 18th century.

The conversion of Australia’s reliable, clean, cheap, coal-power to renewables will relegate our almost non-existent manufacturing industry to the whims of the wind and sunlight

This irrelevant union boss is flogging a dead horse and her media release below reveals she is simply recanting the rubbish from the recent climate talkfest held in Glasgow:

The annual rankings from the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) rank the performance of nations on greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, energy use and climate policy. 
Overall, taking in all the categories, we’re ranked 55th. 
But it’s not just climate policy we’re failing. 
Fourteen Governments from around the world have declared their support for a Just Transition through green growth, decent work and economic prosperity as economies move towards net-zero emissions. 

Australia is not one of them. 

The COP26 in Glasgow was a chance for our Prime Minister to show the world that Australia is stepping up and improving our efforts to fight climate change. 
Instead, Scott Morrison delivered what he does best: empty words, with a side of disappointment and embarrassment. 
As unionists, we know that the world is facing an urgent climate crisis
We cannot let our future be left to leaders who refuse to acknowledge the severity of this issue, nor take action to preserve our jobs, lives and planet for future generations. 

Can you email your MP now and demand stronger, better and fairer action?

The only embarrassment is this silly woman. If there is anything left after the vaccine ravages unionists and their families over the next three years, by then the climate change misnomer will have faded into total national and international insignificance.