By Allison

Will Hillsong Church’s representative be in charge when the national flag changes over Australia?

The Minister’s foreword “Australians are keen and willing to adapt to challenges” ( – is surely an overstatement of the fact.

Most Australians have not a clue of just how they have been led along the Global Governance pathway by our politicians.

On Dec 15, 2015, The Age newspaper scribbled at the end of an article, “Fairfax Media is a partner of United Nations Foundation”.

So much for an independent news source!

For one example, Australians have been forced and purposefully driven to get the covid19 injection put into their bodies, which is a bio-weaponized injection containing bio-technological and bio-engineered poison.

Now this SAME Govt is going to legislate for a digital ID system so that every Australian citizen will be hooked into the production and consumption processes of the new economic international order. The digital ID system means that human to human communication will diminish. Data will be managed and controlled according to the evolving dictates of the global system. Eventually, the Revelation of God to apostle John tells us, the system will enslave your soul. The beast is the final world dictator before the return of Jesus Christ, and to buy and sell under his rule, a person must take his “mark”.

UN has been spreading its Global Citizenship agenda into the nations for almost a decade now. This is yet a further development in the plan for universal control of all resources on earth, inc human ‘resources’. Because Digital ID will be able to track, monitor and control personal and economic behavior we will have to find other ways to interact with others.

The Digital Identity Factsheet p1 says: In 2015, the Australian Government took the first steps to develop a digital identity system after a financial inquiry highlighted the benefits of digital identity for the economy. From the AFR Oct 20, 2015, “David Murray’s financial system inquiry recommended: Develop a national strategy for a federated-style model of trusted digital identities.” Outcomes were The Digital Transformation Office, a Trusted Digital Identity Framework, and Government’s Digital Transformation Agenda.

The Digital Identity Factsheet p4 says: “We’re working to develop a fair and transparent charging framework that will support the expansion of the system and ensure it is sustainable in the long-term. While this isn’t included in this legislation, it will be enabled by it.” The “it” refers to expansion of the Digital ID system for sustainably protecting Mother Earth, goddesss of the Earth Charter.

The Identification for Development (ID4D) uses Australian Aid. To accelerating the ID4D work at global, regional and country levels, the ID4D Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) was established with catalytic contributions from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation followed by the UK Government, the French Government, the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT and the Omidyar Network. This MDTF provides a platform for partners to cohesively advance progress across ID4D’s three pillars with a common vision and shared actions; and shapes global approaches and a shared vision on identification.

I think we could say a lot in any Submission to this draft Trusted Digital Identity Bill .

Thanks for the notification Cairnsnews.

Patrick Wood’s Technocracy News and Trends is a good source of information too.