Unions shun Andrews to join Melbourne rally


MELBOURNE anti-lockdown protesters have launched bold promotions for this Saturday’s freedom march in the city by projecting their message in bright letters across major buildings in defiance of the threats by Victoria’s KGB/Gestapo-style police chief Shane Patton to issue heavy (and illegal) fines and to shut down public transport in a desperate bid to stop the protest.

And now unions, traditionally the allies of Victoria’s Labor Party and Andrews himself, have put out notices to join the Saturday rally. This could be the main reason for Patton and Andrews threatening their “tough action”.

The corrupt psycopath premier Andrews thinks the imposition of a “hard border” around the Melbourne CBD is some sort of noble act to save the population from a virus. The message is broadcast unquestioningly by the media cowards who line up at his briefings like Chinese Communist Party sycophants when “The Great Leader” makes an appearance.

Victoria, as we have repeatedly stated, has become a totalitarian nightmare. On Saturday “essential workers” who need to travel will still be able to enter the city but will need to carry their workers permit on them to gain access. It’s a page out of Kim Jong Sun’s North Korea, Stalinist Russia or the CCP’s China.

Andrews and his hateful cultural Marxist sycophants have already criminalized prayer for anyone who “identifies as LGBTIQ” and now using COVID to attack parental authority and divide families by demanding only one parent accompany children to playgrounds. They further attack churches and other religious groups by prohibiting eating at community venues.

Dan Andrews’ enforcer of COVID fascism, chief cop Shane Patton.

The public transport lockdown (from 8am to 2pm) method has been used previously in Brisbane, but did not stop the thousands from converging on the city for the two previous major protests. But so far Queensland seems to be different in that police there have shown themselves less willing to transform themselves into the fascist thugs endorsed by Andrews and his Victorian Labor Party circle and Berejiklian and her NSW Liberal-Nationals.

The anti-protester heavy handedness of these state regimes will only blow back on themselves because it will draw more local and international attention and underline the gravity of their criminality in trying to enforce an unlawful medical tyranny.

And regardless of the effectiveness or otherwise of intimidation tactics, public protests are are now less important due to the multiple legal battles opening up against the COVID tyranny across Australia. Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party is also transforming itself into a mass political movement and is about to become the biggest political party by membership in Australia.

The Labor-Coalition duopoly is under threat like never before and they will be less able to resort to dirty rigging deals with the multinational vote trafficking network once the US state forensic audits expand, as is happening already.

The Victorian chief cop Patton has gone to his media friends trying to gain the moral high ground by claiming that he and his 2000 boys and girls in black are actually stopping viral transmission by going out and intimidating and assaulting protesters. It’s a con and a lie not supported by science.

In his media brief Patton went on to repeat the lie that the August 21 protest was ‘one of the most violent the city has seen in 20 years’. Patton is delusional. It was his own heavily protected officers who let loose with tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets after a weak police line was broken and scuffles broke out for less than a minute.

Ninety-nine percent of the protest was people of all ages and backgrounds simply walking and making their voices heard around the streets of Melbourne.

Andrews’ and Patton’s policy of intimidation and thuggery was exposed even further with the release of police video of the attack on the small Christian protest group John8 and recently shown by Avi Yemeni and Rebel News. The small group, who verbally challenged the lawfulness of police tactics during a confrontation on the street, agreed to move on.

As they continued to walk they were shadowed by dozens of cops for block after block. They even yelled out to the cops that they were going home, but to no avail. Several of the cops broke away, crossed the street and literally attacked them front on, swinging punches.

But according to the Labor lunatic Andrews and his minions, all this is justified because a virus is circulating and showing up as “thousands of active cases” as gauged by a PCR test condemned by a panel of 22 scientists a year ago a “totally unscientific” and thrown out by courts as evidence for lockdowns and quarantine.