A reader advises this petition has been taken down by change.org so it would safe to assume change petitions are no longer reliable and we would suggest they be ignored in future.

I am writing to advise your media outlet that the petition you posted on your website to have NSW Chief Health Adviser, Kerry Chant removed from office, has been removed by Change.org and is showing as no longer available to sign.
Here is a screenshot of the change.org page. Very disappointed in Change.org with their community guidelines aligned with mainstream media and mainstream big tech to censor truth, real news, and rule of law demands by the people.
Can you please pass this on to the Petition Starter, Jasmine Mufo.

from Craig Peter

Jasmine Mufo started this petition to Scott Morrison (Prime Minister of Australia) and

As Australians we can no longer stand by and watch Kerry Chant destroy our society, hurt our citizens and threaten our children under the guise of a Health Advisor to the Premier, while her actions favor installing a totalitarian ‘New World Order’, which she publicly referred to this week.

Since this outbreak began in Sydney she has shown both gross incompetence & criminal negligence in her role. At no time has she referred to or made mention of the dozens of studies and papers written by experts from around the world which are all of 1 voice on 2 critical actions. Do Not Lock-down and Masks Do Not Help only Harm. Instead she promotes these actions making them central in what can only be called a Brainwashing of the public too make them docile and compliant. Every single thing this woman has done matches textbook perfect mind control techniques. We cannot let a woman who tortures the public for her own ends be in charge of injecting gene therapy to our kids.

Since the mask mandate and lock-down rules are also in blatant violation of Federal Law (BiosecuritiesAct2015/61) and therefore illegal, the Premier and Prime Minister have as their duty the job of recinding both mandates immediately and hold to account Kerry Chant for her role in the damage caused.

Finally she disregards a fundamental rule and suggest policy based on case numbers obtained from PCR tests cycled above 24 (which makes most of them false positives, rest dubious) when pandemic policy should only ever be considered against the metric of the DEATH rate. Aquick look at these figures shows how NSW was gaslighted by Chant and media hacks into the ILLEGAL & UNWARRANTED lock-down.  Throw the book at her Sydney. She should be disbarred from medicine and charged with crimes against humanity.