Letter to the Editor

Dan Andrews(Victoria Premier) needs to be fitted with a straight jacket under the MENTAL HEALTH ACT and removed from society for good – as clearly, Dan Andrews has just proven that he is mentally ill and has no capacity left to sanely govern and is endangering society, more so since Dan somehow tumbled down some stairs thus affecting adversely his brain capacity and sanity!

Despite more people with the toxic jabs globally are shedding toxins and are ending up in hospital beds dying from their toxic generated alleged Covid NWO Covid inflicted variants.

Dan Andrews is complicit in evil crimes as Dan still chooses to spread toxic political lies to get inflicted undue harm, injury and premature toxic jab deaths which sins are evil acts of NWO insanity or criminal intent as an NWO evil agenda inflicted by him and his government’s parts.

Indeed grounding direct flights to and from Melbourne and other interstate capital cities. Not to mention forcing pilots to get toxic jabs putting more lives at risk from pilots dying mid-air from blood clots or heart attacks inflicted by toxic alleged Covid jabs, does demonstrate further just how deadly insane Dan Andrews really has become since tumbling downstairs?

from Ken Clyde-Ivory
