Dan Andrews announces his plan to turn the state of Victoria into an Orwellian nightmare divided into the “clean” and “unclean”.

DAN Andrews is one of global pharma’s leading pet boys from down under. Why? Because he’s the premier of a state not only pushing their brands but using extortion to con, coerce and bully the bulk of the population into getting the toxic mRNA concoctions that have killed tens of thousands of people worldwide.

Extortion and blackmail? Andrews’ latest outrage is that he and his regime will “lock out” unvaccinated people from the state’s health system – in addition to sports events, shops, restaurants and any economic activity in general. The evil tyrant says Victoria will be a “vaccinated economy” and if you’re not vaccinated, you’re not part of it. He hasn’t yet announced if the unvaccinated will wear yellow stars.

Andrews and his sleazy PR crew know that the bulk of the poopulation of Victoria, Australia, are largely focused on their job, family issues, holidays and the footy. A lot of them don’t think too deeply about corrupt, dictatorial government and big pharma politics. And that’s exactly the demographic Dan and his circle focus on.

They are also the people the mainstream media pitch to – you know, the blokey, sporty boys and smart girls from Nine, Ten and Seven and NewsCorp and the slightly academic Labor/Green sycophants at ABC, SBS and Fairfax. They work hand in glove with Dan’s PR flunkies, many of whom came out of that very same mainstream media. Sky News Australia (from NewsCorp) is the black sheep of the family, but even they are careful not to be labeled as dreaded “anti-vaxxers”.

Stomach if you can Andrews’ latest sales pitch for the crooked, criminally tainted Pfizer company and its mRNA vaccine that maims and kills tens of thousands of people worldwide. Andrews is so bereft of conscience and morals that matters such as protecting the life and limb of those who live in the state he rules with a lying tongue and iron fist don’t concern him or his circle of corrupt cronies.

Andrews, like the rest of the corrupted state premiers, prime minister and federal ministers, pretends he’s looking after the welfare of everyone in his state by giving them dangerous vaccines that maim and kill a certain percentage of people.

In Australia, various people have reported TGA figures to August 8th showing some 450 people had died after vaccinations. But another count of the official numbers from the start of the pandemic to August 8th showed the number to be 978. But they’re just the collateral damage for Andrews and Australia’s “health” bureaucracy. He and his media mates avoid that sticky issue like the plague.

Andrews is also a globalist, Victorian Labor Party left wing ideologue. He’s a communist essentially, but more precisely a representative of the New Left, neo-Marxist camp of Victoria’s notorious socialist left Labor faction. He’s a clone of the worst of the US Democrat governors like Cuomo of New York and Newsome of California.

Andrews claims he is a Catholic, but has criminalized the fundamental right of Christians in his state to pray into and around anything to do with sexuality and gender. That’s because Andrews has established a bureaucracy of neo-Marxist ideologues and gender benders such as his “Minister for Equality”. It’s Orwellian stuff.

But Andrews also qualifies as a fascist, because as Premier he is running the state by decree. The lawful head of state in Victoria is the Governor, but Andrews has no regard for that office except as an archaic symbol left over from an earlier era. The same can be said for Queensland, NSW, South Australia, and Western Australia.

Also, the “government” he represents is corporate in structure and serves the interests of private and public corporations. These businesses are allowed to operate during his lockdowns, but small to medium enterprises are trodden on. Melbourne, Victoria’s capital, is part of the so-called Strong Cities Network, which is a transnational “United Nations” of cities pushing the globalist agenda.

Unfortunately for Victorians this regime is not up for re-election until November 26, next year. The so-called Liberal-National opposition are weak and toothless and corrupted by the same forces that corrupt the federal Coalition Liberal and National parties headed by the traitor globalist prime minister Scott Morrison – a good friend of Morrison’s, with whom he shares “the brotherhood” handshake.

Morrison has not once raised his voice against Andrews and his shocking totalitarian lockdowns, showing that he and his Liberal Party are part and parcel of the same program to turn Australia into a CCP-style technocratic dictatorship.