Letter to the Editor

At ACL, Aust Christian Lobby I believe that the boss Martyn Iles is a good man, unlike his predecessor Lyle Shelton (whom I met and knew well and I had doubts about him).
But it is a good trick of Satan or the KGB or the CIA or ‘whoever’ to stack around good people staff who are of a different mindset and loyalty than their bosses, including MPs.  And I could give many examples, where I have evidence, not merely conjecture.

I note that this reply is not from Martyn Iles, who is THE boss.
But it is from a “communications officer”, who claims to make a dogmatic pronouncement of policy on behalf of Martyn Iles and the whole organisation!!

She quotes the distractionary furphy that vaccine issues should not divide the church
— therefore in the name of UNITY we are then meant, according to Niciole Goldup, to suppress truth. She even misquotes Romans 14

And so I decided to search the ACL website — there is NO mention of any policy re vaccination/coronavirus on it. 
A chat dialogue box popped up asking if I had any query, so I typed in “Does ACL have a policy or view about coronavirus vaccines: dangers vs benefits?  I am not upset if ACL does not have one, but if there is one, I would like to know about it.”

I got a reply, “we do not have any sort of literature about vaccine dangers adn benefits. 
We encourage everyone to think for themselves, and to do their own research.
Our position is that the choice to take the vaccine or not is a conscience issue
.”  i.e. in other words ACL has NO position.

It is therefore a serious breach of ethics that the ‘communications officer’ has written a claim for an ACL policy position that s. 
She has made a definitive POLICY pronouncement “We (i.e. ACL) support the vaccine rollout
i.e. in other words, she claims that ACL is all in favour of the vaccines and can see no problems or hazards!!

Also by decrying debate or questions on this issue because it is “dividing the church” she is in effect putting on a guilt trip to stifle discussion and to get people to NOT think for themselves.
– in other words ‘dont argue’ — the quote in Romans 14 obviouslymeans verse 22 “keep it to yourself” i.e. do not ask questions. 
And so she is participating in this bullying by Govts by repressing the asking of questions lest it “cause such division” in the church.

I have worked for six MPs (3 Canberra, 3 NSW) and 1990-97 was Community Relations Manager for the western region of the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority. 
In those jobs I would not DARE to make a POLICY pronouncement

The honourable response from her to my having sent vaccine information should have been “ACL has no position on the issues you raise FULL STOP”

With friends like Nicole Goldup acting in this manner, ACL and Martyn Iles do not need enemies!!  or perhaps she is one?

regards, Lex Stewart