Letter to the Editor

Magistrate Stuart Shearer (CM 27-5) correctly said “The younger generation is a bunch of ‘Fragile Princesses’ who can’t handle being called names”, as he sentenced a man who broke into his neighbours home stealing $9,000 worth of goods and doing $1,000 damage, because he was called a “junkie”.

Magistrate Shearer (below, reputedly one of the state’s harshest Magistrates) said his generation was taught “Sticks and stones may break bones, but names can never hurt you”. This was once written on the wall near the blackboard in every school and should be reinstated. How about it Education Minister, get these words back up on the wall near the blackboard in every school.

State Schools with socialist agendas are a causative factor for massive amounts of crime and unrest in the community by NOT teaching the above, resilience, self-discipline, and tolerance. Our teacher would challenge us to see who could hold their hand above their head the longest, who could hop the furthest on their left leg and many others, to teach us self-discipline. 

Almost every problem in the community has a base factor caused by lack of Self-discipline and Tolerance. The Victorian Government threw $2 Billion at domestic violence to solve the problem, the usual stupidity of politicians with their mental aberration belief that throwing money solves problems, without any consideration of identifying causative factors and dealing with reality. There appear no identifiable changes to DV statistics in Victoria, just a lot of people having jobs on big wages that will achieve nothing other than generating self-adulating reports to ministers that are quoted in the press as some form of (failed) achievement.

The ‘Delicate Daisies’ being created in schools by similar ilk cannot handle reality, life is tough, you have to do things you don’t like, you have to clean the toilet — its your turn.  You have to go to work and be productive, and you will be told firmly if  your work is not up to standard — No, it is not bullying, or racial discrimination because your skin colour is different to the managers, it is not vilification when you are told several times to  improve or be dismissed — your delicate sensitivities and attitude need serious improvement, get up to accepted standards — grow up.

We have industries based on servicing these failed products of school, children are taught to complain if spoken to a bit roughly. We have legislation that drags us down to the lowest level of those who you feel bullied, discriminated, or need counselling if they perceive a sexist word was used. The whole discrimination industry and legislation needs throwing out, and complainants told grow-up, toughen-up, and learn that “Sticks and stones may break bones, but names can never hurt you”, or seek mental health assistance.

from G J May


Editor Jim O’Toole: Is it any wonder the entire Queensland community in particular Townsville and Cairns are suffering the worst outbreak of juvenile crime in the history of the state. Older people are locking themselves in their homes, afraid to go shopping, can’t leave their cars anywhere in fear of being car-jacked or stolen and juvenile, mostly Aboriginal youths rule the streets with impunity.

Police are at their wits end. Courts have revolving doors through Maccas.

If you are one of many thousands of juvenile crime victims tell socialist Education Minister Comrade Grace Grace (below) to shape up or get out. We can guarantee her car won’t be one of the several thousand stolen each year in Queensland

“We own this land so get out of my way” Aboriginal youth yell at pedestrians walking along footpaths. When they were visiting holiday hotspots such as Cairns, international tourists became horrified after being pushed onto the road by disrespectful black kids as happened many times in recent years.

This disgusting behaviour has been fostered by a generation of socialist teachers in Queensland State Schools who toe the United Nations’, Marxist land rights line driven into them by the comrades infesting universities.

As a result a great deal of Aboriginal kids claim they don’t have to go to school and they can do what they like because “we own everything,” which of course they don’t. Until these misguided, budding criminals, some as young as nine, who regard going to jail as a badge of honour, are taken to remote rehabilitation and training camps and taught how respect applies to every person and that they are responsible for their own actions, the race to the bottom will continue.

Trying to involve the majority of parents of these runaway kids is counter-productive, children’s advocates have discovered. Their mothers and fathers living on ‘sit-down-money’ in many cases are too addicted to drugs and alcohol to bother.

Unfortunately the many good parents get tarred with the same brush through no fault of their own.

The socialist Queensland Labor Party will change nothing and have included even more jaundiced ‘Aboriginal studies’ into the curriculum.

During this four year term of the Queensland Labor Party, it is mooted the socialists will usher in Cape York as a separate, independent Aboriginal state, supported by the Cape York Land Council, Balkanu, their business arm and the Northern Land Council.

Most of Cape York Peninsula has already been given to Aboriginal groups who have their own local government councils with a handful of white CEO’s. Lawless communities such as Aurukun, where two weeks ago another spate of drug and alcohol-fueled stabbings saw more houses burnt down was unreported by any media.

It is not hard to imagine the fate of the many decent inhabitants of remote Aboriginal communities when they gain statehood.

There is no Aboriginal industry on Cape York, less than 20 white pastoralists remain and resources giant Rio Tinto dominates the limited mining industry.

Investigators have discovered the Aboriginal member of parliament for the electorate taking in Cape York and Torres Strait, was one of a number of Labor candidates elected by voter fraud at the October 2020 state election.

Consequently, a lot of Far Northerners repeatedly tell Cairns News they will not bother voting again in the Dismal State. More hard Labor and don’t expect any help from the hopeless, languishing Liberals.#