Letter to the Editor

To the Editor, well said in your about the Editor post.
However it is the 1985/86 Australian Act by Bob Hawke and it has no relevance to the Federation because there is no States left in the Federation.
SS106, 107 and 108 states that all Colonies shall becomes States with the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia and they are all bound by the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1900 UK, proclaimed in September 1900 and came into effect on the 1st January 1901.

Six States formed the Federation NSW, VICT. QLD, TAS. S.A. and W.A. who joined the Federation by July 1900.
August 1902 NSW changed their Constitution without following the indissoluble Commonwealth Constitution without going to the people of NSW for a referendum as required by law.
Then in 1904 WA did the same as well as Qld in 1924, plus do away with the Senate without referendum. 1934 Tas. and SA followed suit, also against the Constitution and that now only leaves Vic. because all the other States left the Federation and revert back to Colonies without a referendum.

1975 Vic. finally changed their Constitution without a referendum and that left no State in the Federation, so how can the States and Hawke form the 1985/86 Australian Act when no States are part of the Federation.
They outsmarted themselves as treasonous traitors to the people of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Thank you
Bernie Drew