Letter to the Editor

A few tough hard motivation words with employees sometimes are required during times of slack production, high cost and customer dissatisfaction — smarten up or you’re out the door.

The opposite sex employee with the ultra-short skirt and frequently visible minute underwear considers such sexist because they are of different sex; the ethnic employee considers such as racist; the dark skin employee definitely knows it is racist directed at them as you looked at them twice; the employee that has been spoken to several times believe it is victimization and bullying as they have been singled out before; the confused gender employee is in tears as you raised your voice — they feel belittled as you looked directly at them as you spoke; the one who always has the mammary glands displayed knows it is sexist aimed at them because you looked at their boobs; the religious employee thinks it is personal.

The rest would just like to see the others smarten up and pull their weight a bit more.

Complaints are expected to be made for: – sexist acts (disapproving expression at frequently displayed ultra-brief underwear and looking at exposed boobs — being three times their face area and always pushed in front of speakers); ethnic and racist victimization, workplace victimization and bullying; undue psychological stress and sexual discrimination; bias and inconsiderate stress causing emotional trauma resulting in permanent emotional injury, psychological damage and no longer able to cope with workplace stress or be employed.

The legal defense costs are estimated at $250,000 with possible damages payments of $3.5 million. Future insurance cost is estimated to rise $1,800 per year due to unacceptable workplace relations.

Unnecessary, stupid regulations specifically designed for the weakest member of society that does not have the realistic capacity to be employed due to their delicate overt sensitivities and victim mentality that are fostered by those of the same ilk in the education and government system, needs a full review and removal of both the stupidity of law and those who foster and teach such. The education system and those of warped logic in the bureaucracy feeding this aberration of reality are creating those who do not want to work or contribute to Australia’s future — must be promptly removed, the damage done is on the tipping point of irreversibility.

Schools once taught realistically and produced tough resilient, thoughtful innovative capable students — “sticks and stones may break bones, but words will never hurt me”!

Who in their right mind would be an employer in Australia?   That’s why many have their products made in Asia.

From Gil May

Forestdale Qld