An election pledge has been made by the Queensland LNP Opposition Attorney General to make available the identity of child sex offenders should it win the election.

Like the Labor Party the LNP has decided to place its ugly head in a noose to commit suicide over their entrenched sex offenders whose identity no doubt will not be on the list.

Like Labor the LNP has among its ranks sitting members of parliament from the highest positions in government and throughout the ranks of the bureaucracy. The LNP and ALP have appointed sex offenders to the highest positions in the country which includes the judiciary, intelligence and police.

Will their names appear on the register?  We doubt it. The LNP would lose government should this occur.  And the ALP would never again hold it.

How are they protected? By the sex offenders of the mainstream media who occupy similar positions within the child trafficking industry.

Trump has arrested thousands of underground child traffickers across the US and Europe but has barely touched the surface of the Australian operation.

Several years ago Cairnsnews was shown a list of high-profile sex offenders only to discover several of them are still in office. We have considered publishing this list, which is not available in Australia.

If and when the LNP decides to make available the Queensland sex offender list Cairnsnews will check the veracity of it with the view of publishing ours.