Excerpt from an interview by Sarah Westall with US military analyst Dave Hodges

…….There’s multiple agendas with COVID… from a Globalist perspective, COVID is robbing human beings of their humanity. It’s robbing them of their civil liberties. It’s teaching that whoever runs the government under us is supreme over you and you will do what you say. You’ll wear the the symbol of oppression, which is a face mask, you’ll stay six feet apart, we’ll control if your kids go to school, we’ll control every aspect of your life and we don’t have a Constitution any longer, that’s gone.

And they have taken care of that, so that’s one goal, is subjugation. The other goal, believe it or not – people aren’t procreating when they’re wearing face masks – and our birth rate is plummeting.

I talked to a demographer out of Arizona state university and he told me, he said, “Our birth rate’s gone down to 1.8, going into this year. He said no nation’s ever come back from 1.8. You need 2.1 to maintain and if we don’t have a 2.1 through immigration and birth rate, then we can’t support the Ponzi schemes of Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid.”

It’ll be a catastrophe for the elderly and he said he thinks the birthrate could go to 1.2 in a year and he said, “That’s where Italy is at. Italy’s falling apart…”

It’s not an accident that COVID was engineered to kill off the elderly. They’re killing two birds with one stone…………..