A quieted soul

One of the benefits of the Christian walk, that is actively seeking the Living God through Jesus Christ, is finding peace with God.
But this does not mean we are suddenly like robots with a new program and living a life with never-ending peace.

In fact Jesus warns in the scriptures that we will face trials and temptations, and in those sorts of situations peace of mind and soul can rapidly disappear and anxiety take over.

In times of anxiety it is up to us to recall and apply the word of God, such as in Psalm 131:2 where the writer says:
“Surely I have calmed my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

In busy and pressured times we must take time out to calm our soul. The ever-present Holy Spirit will help us and we will begin to see the crisis in perspective and even find that inexplicable, miraculous help.
Until next time …