First published on Cairnsnews June 9, 2017

The Federal Government will soon finalise the complete and ultimate facial recognition records for all Australian citizens.

And Pauline Hanson wants a national ID Card?

A national data base of passport, driver, gun owner and high risk equipment operator licence photos will be kept for access by just whom remains unknown.

Big brother is watching your every move

Federal and State police, immigration officers and Border Force will have access, but it seems more clandestine bodies will get their hands on your complete identity.

ASIO, ASIS and reciprocal overseas spy agencies could also have access to all of your personal data.

It should be noted that Australia has arrangements with some rather dubious nations for exchanging the personal information of all our citizens.

CCTV footage as depicted in US television shows such as NCIS Los Angeles will end up in captured data as supposedly trained facial recognition experts scan your face while you browse the shopping mall, fuel your car at the service station or sit on a park bench.

Highly sophisticated infa-red cameras in police cars record your every move online

Queensland Traffic Police and their contractors have had this technology for three years, photographing you in your car every time you pass a highway patrol vehicle or stationary camera car, storing your image and that of passengers, vehicle description, direction, time and date of travel.

The police cars have infa-red ability and can photograph the driver and all passengers in the car as you pass. By then your number plate will have been read by the on-board computer and sent online to the huge data bank in Roma Street Police HQ and another massive data bank held by the Main Roads Department.

Every occupant of your car can be photographed by patrol cars and recorded online with the Face Identification Service

Soon after the facial images of the car occupants will be sent to the national Face Identification Service.

Nearly 80 per cent of people over 16 hold a drivers licence and 55 per cent have a passport. More than 600,000 citizens have a photographic gun licence in Queensland.

Justice Minister Michael Keenan told News Corp that passport photos would be accessed in the coming months and drivers licences would be tapped into after ongoing discussions with the states were finalised.

The Face Identification Service will match a photo of an unknown person against multiple government records to help establish their identity.

“These biometric services will change the face of crime fighting in Australia,” Mr Keenan, a Liberal, said.

The final piece of the identity jigsaw is about to come into place. Tasmania MP Andrew Wilkie has warned Australia will become the police state, test case for the final solution.