An interview with British medical journalist Phillip Day

April 10, 2020

ECHN: Morn­ing, Phillip. How have things shaped up in your mind over the past week?

PHILLIP DAY: Morn­ing Kevin. Glad you asked. I’ve stopped regard­ing the CoVid sit­u­a­tion as any sort of drill. Manda­tory vac­cines are now on the table, cour­tesy of Bill Gates and a beg­ging pub­lic. Peo­ple are polic­ing each other, which is exactly what the Evilarchy intends. And I’m out in the gar­den at the moment, but I’ve run out of compost.

ECHN: Sum­marise in a nutshell.

PHILLIP DAY: Alright. Depend­ing on which coun­try you’re in, the gov­ern­ment is using a virus with a 98% sur­vival rate (which no-one I know has caught yet) to shut down the coun­try, destroy the econ­omy, put mil­lions of busi­nesses at risk, throw count­less mil­lions of trust­ing peo­ple into anx­i­ety, fear and depres­sion, and intro­duce the most dra­con­ian leg­is­la­tion in liv­ing mem­ory to limit move­ment and even what you can and can’t say on social media. Does this make sense?

ECHN: I don’t think I need to answer that. A cure should never be far worse than the disease.

PHILLIP DAY: How about if the ‘cure’ kills the patient, as we saw with AIDS, and as we see daily with can­cer and a host of other prob­lems? Any­one not famil­iar with how you can cre­ate a global ‘viral’ cat­a­stro­phe out of thin air needs to remem­ber the unveil­ing of ‘viral’ AIDS and read my book, The Truth About HIV. With CoVid, as Dr Shiva points out, it’s lit­er­ally the same play­ers and the same game­plan, only this time, what we’re wit­ness­ing is a full-on global coup d’état.

ECHN: Who are the play­ers and what’s the agenda?


Medical author Phillip Day warns of mandatory vaccines across the world hinged upon a cashless society. Plans to remove cash in Australia have already begun when the PM Scott Morrison introduced a bill several months ago.*

PHILLIP DAY: I’ll get to them in a minute. First, let me address some cur­rent con­cerns. Peo­ple ARE dying of res­pi­ra­tory prob­lems, I never said they weren’t. In Britain, we’re still not even half way (7978) towards the aver­age num­ber of deaths (c. 17,000 – 28,330 in 2014/15) that usu­ally occur in the UK from sea­sonal flu. Jon Rap­poport cov­ers the mis­re­port­ing of data, for exam­ple, from Italy here, and how straight­for­ward it is to cre­ate the illu­sion of a pan­demic with test­ing here, espe­cially if you have a con­trolled media who’ll glee­fully print what­ever their mas­ters tell them to.(some Australian media is as bad as US Fake News outlets)

ECHN: And what are we’re hear­ing every day? We need to test. We need to test, test, test!

PHILLIP DAY: Of course. Because that’s the quack sci­ence they can wave in front of the pub­lic and yell, “See? We’re right, you con­spir­acy nutjobs.” Once again, let me bring the reader back to the cen­tral point: We’re destroy­ing our soci­ety — all we’ve fought for and built over the cen­turies – purely on the basis of what we’re told by med­ical char­la­tans (Fer­gu­son, Fauci, etc.) might hap­pen in the future. These – let me call them peo­ple — have a proven track record I’ve cov­ered before of hype and mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Once again, look at AIDS and the other still­born pan­demics we’ve seen over the past few decades if you want proof of how they’re doing this. Look at Foot and Mouth Dis­ease (bad cold for a cow). As usual, the world pub­lic largely goes along with it all, after all, these are ‘experts’ telling us this. In my vil­lage, the usual crop of War­den Hodge clones (Dad’s Army) are out on the streets polic­ing us all. These fully masked-up jok­ers want the gov­ern­ment to do MORE! Because it has to be the virus, right? Reminds me of what I read about 1930s Germany.

ECHN: But peo­ple ARE dying of res­pi­ra­tory prob­lems. And there was Boris Johnson.

PHILLIP DAY: They cer­tainly are. And I’m glad that at the time of writ­ing, Boris is much improved, but again we don’t know the state of his immune sys­tem, vit­a­min D level, what drugs he was given, etc. Poor guy was prob­a­bly thrashed immunity-wise com­ing out of both the win­ter and the elec­tion. Once again, I know it’s really hard to accept, but peo­ple get the flu between Nov and April EACH YEAR and THOUSANDS DIE. Every death is a tragedy for the fam­i­lies and friends involved. The cru­cial part is, up to now we haven’t filmed them on res­pi­ra­tors and bat­tered the pub­lic sense­less with fear about it to the degree we’re see­ing now. We’re given no real, use­ful infor­ma­tion. You’re not told peo­ple are being put on the harsh­est ‘antivi­ral’ drugs (we saw those with AIDS). We’re not told who’s dying of reg­u­lar flu as opposed to CoVid. We also need to lis­ten to those top med­ical fig­ures who are break­ing ranks and com­ing out at great risk to their pro­fes­sional rep­u­ta­tions to speak out.

ECHN: I passed a man in the super­mar­ket yes­ter­day who was done up in what looked like a home-made Haz­Mat suit.

PHILLIP DAY: Peo­ple are fright­ened while I’m an Angry Cit­i­zen. Once again, let me remind peo­ple of Adam Weishaupt’s famous quote (Illu­mi­nati founder), “O Mor­tal Man! Is there any­thing you can­not be made to believe?”

ECHN: The anal­ogy you quoted of the ele­phant and the house­cat stayed with me.

PHILLIP DAY: Per­fectly sum­marises where we are at present. An ele­phant (us) is being attacked by a house­cat (the dreaded, deadly, Lethal, KILLER VIRUS), and the ele­phant becomes so ter­ri­fied it falls off a cliff. Well, as we talk today, the ter­ri­fied ele­phant is tee­ter­ing on the edge of the econ­omy precipice.

ECHN: So, bot­tom line?

PHILLIP DAY: In my view what we’re wit­ness­ing is an attempted Pharma/Gates/Globalist/Deep-State global coup d’état of the money sys­tem and national gov­ern­ment in gen­eral, and I’m by no means alone in stat­ing that. ‘Deep State’ is an overused term to described unelected, monied or pow­ered inter­ests. These have been quite vocal over the years in their desire for global gov­ern­ment to run the mod­ern world, but it hasn’t really been pos­si­ble until now. With the new 5G Inter­net of Things cur­rently being installed at light­ning speed, the track­ing and con­trol capa­bil­i­ties for those in charge are truly con­cern­ing. And that’s before you look at the health concerns.

ECHN: Was Britain leav­ing the EU a major blow to the Euro­pean super­state part of this plan?

PHILLIP DAY: Yes. The Evilarchy isn’t get­ting things all their own way. You could spot the glob­al­ists as the UK Remain­ers who wouldn’t quit, even when they lost the EU Ref­er­en­dum. I hardly believe it a coin­ci­dence that CoVid popped up in a big way not weeks after we left the EU. I watched the killer virus bub­bling malev­o­lently in the wings in China, prob­a­bly to see how things would turn out in the UK elec­tion, or whether Trump would be impeached. Now, their evil plans are in jeop­ardy and it’s in their inter­ests to crash the global money sys­tem and replace it with a dig­i­tal sys­tem in an attempt to seize con­trol. Why do you think they’ve been clos­ing all the banks? Won’t need ‘em.

ECHN: We had Gor­don Brown the other day cry­ing for a global gov­ern­ment to save the world.

PHILLIP DAY: And Blair. Any­one who’s done any research knows global gov­ern­ment is the sin­gle most dan­ger­ous idea imag­in­able for the sim­ple rea­son that there are no checks and bal­ances to such ulti­mate power.

ECHN: And you’re assum­ing the global gov­ern­ment would not be benign.

PHILLIP DAY: Yup. As the old cliché goes: Power cor­rupts. And absolute power cor­rupts absolutely.

ECHN: Is any­one in power oppos­ing this?

PHILLIP DAY: I’ve been con­sult­ing researchers in the polit­i­cal field who are bet­ter posi­tioned than I to com­ment. The silent war that’s hap­pen­ing right now, accord­ing to some, is between The Glob­al­ists, com­pris­ing the afore­men­tioned pow­ers, and a dia­met­ri­cally opposed cabal, you can loosely term The Nation­al­ists. The lat­ter could com­prise such diverse char­ac­ters as Trump, Putin, Xi Jing­ping, maybe even Boris (I feared for him when he was in ICU). Notice how Putin and Xi aggre­gated longterm pow­ers to them­selves. While the West cried ‘Dic­ta­tors!’ it’s not beyond pos­si­ble that this was an effec­tive mea­sure to keep out the globalists.

ECHN: And there’s that move on the Fed­eral Reserve.

PHILLIP DAY: Yes. Many don’t know that Trump recently put the Fed­eral Reserve under con­trol of the US Trea­sury. So the new Fed chair­man is none other than Don­ald J Trump. This is a major blow to the monied inter­ests. What peo­ple read­ing this need to know is that there are pow­ers attempt­ing to sort this out. There are two rea­sons a gov­ern­ment might order its cit­i­zens to stay indoors. One, so cit­i­zens don’t see what’s going on in the neigh­bour­hood. Or Two, to keep them safe from what’s com­ing down, and I don’t mean THE KILLER VIRUS. It struck me that Passover/Easter is now upon us. Could be sym­bolic in a num­ber of ways.

ECHN: Go on.

PHILLIP DAY: Passover was when God ordered the Jews into their dwellings in Egypt and told them not to come out while the Death Angel went to work on the rest. I’m not proph­esy­ing, but I also never write off of a major clear-out. It’s all too easy to think all is lost.

ECHN: How do you see this all play­ing out?

PHILLIP DAY: Hard to say. It could be that lock­down is lifted soon and we go back to ‘nor­mal’, but not the old nor­mal. The new nor­mal will be cit­i­zens going back indoors if ever the wicked KILLER VIRUS emerges to haunt us again. We’ve had our polit­i­cal, demo­c­ra­tic, and for many, their spir­i­tual power rav­aged by what has hap­pened. The other sce­nario is that the putsch con­tin­ues and we pitch into a full-blown col­lapse of the global money sys­tem, already delib­er­ately weak­ened by hyperinflation.

ECHN: From which the world emerges into the New Order and all that might entail.

PHILLIP DAY: Cor­rect. Don’t know about you, but I’ve got my pop­corn. Just no compost.

*Cash Bill: