Bob Katter

Don’t get caught with more than $10,000 legal tender or the LNP will send you to jail.

Federal Member for Kennedy


Will address the Press Gallery at the

Mural Hall, Parliament House

12 pm Today 05/03/20

The LNP/Labor duopoly strikes again-gone will be your savings under the Bail-in laws as soon as interest rates hit zero. The banks, thanks to new laws passed by the LNP before Christmas can take your savings from your bank accounts to prop up their viability in the upcoming depression enabled and orchestrated by the trojan horse Coronavirus pandemic. Remember the Greek banks stole the deposits of their customers three years ago.

Most intelligent Australians know this $10,000 cash ban has nothing to do with curbing drug dealers’ cash flow. It is all about control. Scomo has been compromised by Hillsong church activities and is simply doing the bidding of the City of London for the New World Order. – Editor

Mr Katter will purchase gold bullion with more than $10,000 cash ($40,000 of gold and cash will change hands); an act that will soon be illegal under proposed laws.

 The implementation of the Restriction on Cash Bill, currently before the Senate, significantly abolishes our right to “Legal Tender” – a right enjoyed for a millennium. Property rights and privacy are undermined.

 When facing uncertain economic times, as we are now with the Coronavirus, Australians will be restricted from withdrawing their life savings (When such savings are under real threat).