Letter to the Editor

Dear Liberal Party friends

(1) sorry to say that this email below is worse than pathetic – –  losing votes.

(2) Bridget Mackenzie, Agriculture Minister, on 2GB this morning was painfully inadequate to answering Alan Jones’s reasonable questions and facts.

Alan Jones (rightly in my view) demolished the stupidity of the proposed two-year interest-free loans to farmers that then roll over into loans at 3.1% after two years on money that the Govt can get from the Reserve Bank at 0.75%, thus making a profit from struggling farmers!


  • extra $1,000 million recently announced to the Clean Energy Finance Corporation – this is both unnecessary and crazy – the recent Aust Energy Market Operator report predicts blackouts for NSW and Victoria this summer – but there are NO PROPOSALS for reliable baseload nuclear or coal power stations!
  • Our Foreign Affairs Minister gave $70million to Rohinga Moslems
  • ScoMo promised $500 million to Pacific Islands to help them fight the mythical  monster of climate change
  • This federal Govt gives Islamic Indonesia $1million per day as a gift, of which how much ends up in Swiss Bank accounts of officials?!
  • While it is a good thing to release some Murray-Darling Basin water to assist in growing fodder, may I point out that that will take TIME!
  • BUT we don’t have time — it won’t help to stop Farmers’ cattle and sheep dying of starvation or being shot or sold tomorrow and next week.
  • The claim of 21 water infrastructure projects is false and deceptive — no major dam has been built since 1983 – and NONE IS NOW BEING BUILT – of course there are various proposals and feasibility studies BUT NO ACTUAL DIGGING!!  ZILCH.  NIL ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION HAPPENING.
    NSW water Minister Melinda Pavey recently admitted in a fit of frankness that the best we can hope for is to start digging in 3 years from now!

from Lex Stewart

Coffs Harbour