by Gil May

Numerous articles on ‘Queensland dental care worst in the nation’ over many months (Sarah Vogler SM, Mar 10; “Dental costs bite deep” CM March 18 and others going back years) all use the Dental Association as the reference instigator, yet it was these fools that ignored the serious health dangers of mercury and put this insidious metal into amalgam dental fillings causing serious health issues to thousands of people: many dentists who spoke out were chastised forcing one Dental Doctor  to currently publish ‘Mercury has been related to Alzheimer’s disease, thyroid problems, Allergies, Depression, Anxiety, Infertility etc’.

The problem is glaringly obvious high sugar acid food and drinks WILL destroy teeth, regular cleaning will not overcome the problem, none of the articles researched the ingestion rates or products, or teeth cleaning regimes if any. Many only drink waters containing sugar acids, flavors and alcohol; responsible research required before promoting deadly additives (Royal Commission into Health).  Studies reveal less the 10% of water is ingested, the rest goes into the environment: What microbiology damage is occurring, Greenies?

Those drinking most water are pregnant mothers, babies/children. The Lancet published the serious dangers of fluoride on the fetal brain and children’s, reduced mental development, it’s stupid to think fluoride goes only to teeth, it penetrates and contaminates your entire body, brain and gonads increasing cancer growths by 25% at only 1 ppm, produces melanotic tumors transforming normal cells into cancer cells (Dr Dean Burk)

WHO reported no discernable difference in tooth decay using fluoride or not?  An idea 48 years ago suggesting ‘IT MAY’ have some benefit has been disproven hundreds of times in scientific/medico papers, who are still using 48-year-old disproven stupid ideas?

Joint metanalysis by Harvard School of Public Health and China Medical University, examined 27 studies found dangers to children’s’ mental development, doubles the risk of hypothyroidism, interference with the pineal gland production of melanin resulting in depression, early aging and insomnia.

The function of melanin is providing pigmentation mainly to the skin, hair and iris of the eye. protecting the skin from ultra violet rays and sunburn. This shows fluoride contributing to sun burn, skin melanoma and other cancers, eye disease, irreparable mental damage to foetus/children, and many other serious health problems. The government is damaging YOUR health from fluoride, a Class-Action needed.
A generation AFTER fluoride removal these high health incidences with decline – analytical intelligence seriously required.