Letter to the Editor

Billions of your dollars given away overseas for many decades where it is wasted on problems others created or used to buy other countries armaments – what for: This is Australia we need dams to protect us in droughts.  We could have been drought proofed with many storage dams – instead politicians big-note themselves giving our hard earned money away damaging our country by deliberate neglect – our urgent needs are treated as unimportant second class. They are working against Australia’s needs, judge them by what they do.  We do not have huge dams across Australia because they wasted our money.

Our farmers cannot continue, they are hurt and broken beyond belief, they have struggled for many decades despite government contempt – Low quality foreign food is on the way.  Governments send ‘guess-perts’ who have no idea of farming to give bad advice — just another contempt.

There have been numerous investigated press reports of people waiting and dying trying to get medical treatment, because they gave your money away to cover other countries incompetent management – they are not our problem. We need new hospitals, schools, roads and railways but they are not being built because they treated us with contempt giving our money away.

We are in urgent need of new coal fired power stations, soon we will be unable to afford what little electricity is available, what then?  Other countries signed the Paris Accord have or are building 3,534 coal Power Stations many using our coal.  We have no new Power Stations planned, why – again we are being treated like the fools we have been by electing politicians who waste our money and neglect our urgent future needs for your children’s future.

Everyone, go and ask your local candidates to give you a written guarantee they will stop overseas aid and give Australia Aid, write/phone to editors and ask them to please support Australia and publish each candidates signed statement. Dear Editors how about your political impartiality – make Australia’s needs and our future your goal too. Create the biggest political fight ever seen for Australia’s future – it may be too late next time: Already too many broken futures, homes, families and suicides – no more – give us hope and a future to aspire too.


Gil May

Forestdale, Qld