from Senator Fraser Anning

Having grown up in the bush, a healthy and balanced environment is very dear to my heart. I commend environmentalists for sharing that desire for a well-balanced and sustainable future.

I am frustrated however, when Green politicians take normal environmental events and
scaremonger people to gain votes.

Brainless Greens have little idea about Australia’s early history such as the Murray River drying up in 1915. Maybe it was climate change or global warming?

Scientists can argue over whether the planet will warm over the coming decades.

However, I am not aware of any evidence that the current temperatures are outside the normal (geologically) recent cycles.

Australia is a land of droughts, floods and bushfires yet none of these recent events have matched those which occurred a century or more ago.

Before recent times, the Murray Darling (which extends into Qld) was often a dry river bed in summer, This left numerous unconnected water holes right up until the 1920`s when Australians began building weirs and Dams.

Did fish die in large amounts before then? Yes

Senator Fraser Anning

Were there algal blooms in water holes, killing fish before then – Yep.
Unfortunately, grizzling Greens have hoodwinked a gullible media into believing that every natural disaster is our fault.

They blame us for not living some utopian “cave man” style existence whilst
ignoring the population explosion which will grow Africa’s population from 1 billion today to over 4 billion in just 80 years.

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) manages some 3,000 gigalitres of water.

Thanks to pressure from the Green lobby, the CEWH decided to send environmental water down the Murray Darling system from Medindee. This water was earmarked to go the southern lagoon in the Coorong.

Unfortunately, there isn’t any way for that water to get into the highly saline lower Coorong.

It appears the CEWH wasted water to achieve nothing, instead of keeping it in NSW where it could have done some actual good.

These highly idealistic and impractical decisions infuriate irrigators and fishermen.
I believe it’s time we got our priorities right and recognise productivity as the first priority for water use.

In order to ensure the best outcome, environmental issues should be dealt with via a cost benefit analysis and not according to some ill-conceived thought bubble, hatched by well-meaning meddlers in inner city Melbourne or Sydney.

None of us like to see a fish kill. But many of us would like to see impractical, wasteful environmental extremism die.