Letter to the editor

Dear Editor

An interesting bulletin concerning December’s climate conference in Poland

noted that “…Australia sent 46 bureaucrats agreeing to shut down the remnants

of domestic industry…”

I am sure people will be thrilled with that as official, but largely unannounced,

government “policy” (the bureaucrats won’t make the undertaking unless told to

by their governmental superiors).

We already know that many of our industries have been off-shored, but the use

of the word remnants is particularly galling given that governments and

candidates always waffle the jobs, jobs, jobs mantra at election time whilst in full

knowledge of  the fact that sufficient numbers of apprentices, managers, etc, have

never been trained, supposedly necessitating the importing of foreigners to do these tasks.

So we  know, then, who the jobs are for, for for!

Australia sent 46 climate changing bureaucrats to play God with the weather, which most people (except ALP politicians)know is always changing. This lot committed Australia to the dreadful Paris Climate Accord which the UN has cleverly designed to transfer whatever wealth we have left to them!

If this is not government dropping the ball, then “agreeing to shut down the remnants

of Australian industry” is an even worse insult and evidence, seemingly, that government

is not at all interested in creating opportunities for Australians.

Yes, NDIS jobs may have been moved to Geelong, but they are just pants-shiner jobs that

have been moved from somewhere else, and do not represent future export income

related to merchandise other countries might buy off us.

These jobs do not represent anything related to the usual catch-all phrase “Sustainable.”

And if “shutting down the remnants of Australian industry” is the future, then what, actually,

is the Future?

Gary Oraniuk
