Alan Manson has provided an update on the Victorian Marxist Government’s VEET scheme,

which could lose you your home

UPDATE 1: Land Grab in Victoria Being Legislated!

Politicians are now ducking for cover!  Since revealing in a recent Cairns News article what the proposed Local Government Act 20181 bill and the 10-year old Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Scheme)2 potentially have in store for Victorians, a few interesting events have occurred.

* A response from the Minister for Local Government (Ms. Marlene Kairouz MP) was received that did nothing to address the issues raised with her.

* Similarly, a response from the Shadow Minister for Local Government (Mr. Robert Morris MP) was received that only gave an assurance that “…the Liberal and National parties will not support any legislation that extends the power of local councils beyond the limits of the current Local Government Act.”  He ignores the fact that the letter cast serious doubt about the lawfulness of the 1989 Local Government Act to which he refers, so his assurances are worth nothing.

Some interesting statistics have emerged in relation to this campaign:

* The previous article in Cairns News produced over 10,000 hits.  Although it is impossible to tell how many of these hits were from people located in Victoria, it does indicate there is some serious interest in this matter. 

* The petition recently produced 1,544 signatures.  This number will not worry anyone at Parliament House, Melbourne, as there are other petitions addressed to the Premier such as banning plastic bags (183,000) that he would prefer to spend more time addressing.

* The second phase of the campaign requested that Victorians email the Minister and the Shadow Minister for Local Government to require them to answer questions about the proposed legislation.  The appeal produced only 6 participants out of several thousand people emailed.  

Does this statistic indicate that Victorians are apathetic, or could it be because most people cannot find the time needed to read each document before making a decision?  But—what is the cost of Aussies retaining their freedoms—to maintain freedom of speech, freedom of choice, or even to own their land and use it as they see fit?  Is ‘Freedom’ worth a couple of hours of reading and then deciding to participate?  It appears NOT—because the statistics above indicate that “She’ll be right, mate” prevails more than undertaking due diligence.

In contrast to this attitude, one respondent said, “I looked at this in some detail and couldn’t find the horror. So I sent it on to an intelligent friend of mine to peruse which he did and he came to the same conclusion as I did, that it has been misunderstood by the original reader who is so worried. I wouldn’t worry about it”.  Hmmm.

Since then, additional information received from America confirms a number of the claims highlighted in the LGA 2018 and VEET documents are indeed “horrific”.  This video link ( reveals how Climate Action Plans (CPAs) have been implemented throughout local counties in the USA since 2015, and that it is intended they will be rolled out throughout the rest of the world—which includes Australia.  The UN schedule for this first phase to be finalised is 2020, and involves reducing the world’s carbon footprint to 25% less than 1990 greenhouse gas levels.

Some points worth noting in the video are these:

* Nationwide Climate Action Plans (CAPs) are being implemented in the USA by Local Councils.

* The Government trains and sends out Environmental Auditing inspectors who invite landowners to have an energy audit of their house or business where various measurements and recommendations are recorded.  Once these details are uploaded to a massive database, conveyancing of any sold properties cannot take place until any outstanding work identified in the audit has been completed.

* All houses will be required to have additional insulation installed in the roof and wall areas.

* All appliances and electrical equipment are to have the latest star energy rating.

* All appliances are to have an RFID chip installed so that the energy company can monitor their use using the building’s smart meter.  

* All gas appliances are being phased out.

* All gas central heating systems are banned.

* Transportation in each city is to be reduced by ONE DAY PER WEEK, where bicycles and other human powered means are used instead.

* Cars will be banned for idling for more than 5 minutes.  Each car will have a black box fitted to monitor these requirements.

* Farmers will be required to properly manage animal waste on their farms to reduce methane gas emissions.

* Local councils will offer people Green Loans that will enable the prescribed work to be carried out.  A 7% interest applies and will last 10-20 years.  The loans are collateralised to the value of the home or business premises.

* In the future, all house roofs are required to be painted white.

All Victorians are encouraged to view the 91-minute video and to decide for themselves whether there is a serious threat to their home, their business and their livelihoods in the future through the Local Government Act 2018 and the VEET Scheme that appears will implement Climate Action Plans throughout Victoria.  

Nevertheless, most people would agree that we (as a community) cannot continue to use energy and water in an unrestricted or wasteful manner.  Climate Action Plans that have been established through community consultation with our political leaders is a good thing and should be encouraged; but to have CAPs that are draconian in nature and place more value on producing LESS CO2 than on the welfare of people is unacceptable.  Our politicians need to know this from the people they purportedly represent.

Who then is willing to support this campaign or any other action that will allow the voice of We the People to be heard about this?  If you now choose to join this campaign, please click here3. 

Author: Alan Manson  Email: