From where does Keenan get authority to call in firearms?

The Federal Government is terrified of internal security assessments warning the nation is teetering on a powder keg of mistrust and discontent over Muslim immigrants and mendacious politicians implementing policies in unison with the largely despised United Nations.

Domestic intelligence has warned the now unraveling corporate system of government, surreptitiously introduced first by Whitlam and continued by successive governments could dissolve from civil unrest into civil war.

Federal Justice Minister, Michael Keenan, a Liberal, wants to deprive law abiding gun owners of unregistered firearms

Any casual observer of social media would discover that all governments are held in contempt by a majority of Australians.

The Federal Cabinet is desperate to disarm law-abiding citizens who hold unregistered firearms for many reasons. The main theme found throughout social media and alternative news sites is a distrust of government and more expected violence by Islamists which have infiltrated communities throughout Australia.

As depicted in the lauded 1984 film of doomsday preppers, ‘Red Dawn’ starring Patrick Swazye, when the Russians and Cubans invade rural American towns, their first ploy is to round up and incarcerate gun owners, found from searching firearms registration records.

One reader, a member of the firearms industry, has told Cairns News an estimated one million or  more unregistered firearms are held nationwide by the public,  which is in fear of losing easily traceable registered firearms when the ‘shit hits the fan.’

Chinese SKK semi-auto 7.62x39mm carbine. Industry sources claim nearly one million were imported but reportedly only 4000 were handed in to be crushed in 1996. There are few reports of these carbines being used in crime

Between the seventies and early nineties the industry estimates more than one million Chinese semi-auto SKK and SKS combat carbines were imported. At the 1996 amnesty, only a reported 4000 of these military styled weapons were handed in for crushing. One does not have to be an Einstein to work out the fate of the remaining 996,000, he said.

“The police and military will seize all registered firearms from licensed gun owners across the nation when the trouble starts, leaving the public completely at the mercy of the government,” the industry member said.

“This is why people will hide them, especially ex-military members seeing what happens to a disarmed population when the invaders have all the guns.

“If the government thinks normal people will hand in their guns they are dreaming.”

Another report from a NSW investigator, who wishes to remain anonymous, says that in NSW during the 1996 amnesty, a pistol club and several rifle ranges reported that people of Muslim or similar ethnic appearance toured gun clubs buying whatever firearms they could get their hands on, rather than shooters handing them in for destruction.

Homes of licensed gun owners in NSW were accurately targeted by thieves stealing dozens of pistols and rifles several years ago. Gun club members said many homes in close-together suburbs were raided by thieves who stole their locked up guns. The clubs complained that the NSW firearms registry records had been hacked or deliberately given to thieves. No action was ever taken by authorities.

The Liberal/ALP/Greens Party disarmament

While terrorists continue to kill Australians on home soil, the gun-hating Liberal Party wants to completely disarm 25 million responsible citizens by crushing their firearms and leaving them at the mercy of those who have guns. The criminal element in the ethnic ghettos of Sydney and Melbourne will never voluntarily hand in their firearms.

The 1996 gun buy back saw 660,959 firearms handed in for destruction. Not all were crushed. The government is “dreaming” if it thinks it will get a similar result in the 2017 proposed amnesty, says an industry source

Those who will keep guns include police and the military. Today a lot of law-abiding citizens actually fear the government which wants to leave us defenceless against the estimated 120,000 Islamic ‘refugees’ who entered the country by air during the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd regime.

It has been acknowledged by security agencies, with the exception of the head of ASIO, that a large number of single males who entered Australia posing as refugees, were between the ages of 16 and35,  just the right age to qualify for military service.

Many of these immigrants have had military training in the countries from which they claimed to have fled. Right amongst us now exists a potential fifth column of fighters. Stashes of firearms have already been found in Australian mosques, no doubt many more exist.

Justice Minister Michael Keenan should be targeting firearms held by ethnic groups and actually allowing responsible citizens to carry arms for their self-protection. But Section 18c of the Anti-discrimination Act won’t allow the government to target criminal gangs by ethnicity. Interestingly Keenan was one of the ‘wet’ Liberals who did not support amending this offensive section.

High profile politicians such as Senator David Leyonhjelm and Bob Katter have demanded law abiding citizens be able to carry firearms for their self-defence.

Instead the arm draggers of the LNP/ALP/Greens nexus want to leave us defenceless against Muslim infiltrators and other armed criminals who will never give up their guns.

Crime in Victoria this year increased 10.2 per cent and a spate of home invasions and car-jackings has left police extremely worried.

Public concerns have also been raised about gangs of migrant(Muslim) teens, with reports some parents are sending their teenage children back to countries like Sudan to break the spiral of offending.

Victoria Assistant Commissioner Stephen Leane told reporters on Wednesday teenagers from a range of backgrounds were committing home invasions and car-jackings.

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Stephen Leane describes the ethnic crime wave as the ‘United Nations.’ Fearful home owners are buying bats for protection from home invasion

“It’s the United Nations — we’re seeing a cross group of offenders who are stealing cars in that way,” he said.

It is believed people in areas suffering from violence and crime are buying bats to arm themselves.

Mr Leane told 3AW they weren’t using the words home invasion or carjacking two years ago and the community had a right to be concerned.

“I understand the nature of fear in our community and for many it’s real for those who have been victimised by those offenders who have come into their house, probably the first time they’ve ever had to call the police,” he said.

“The issue around whether you think a baseball bat and your expertise will defend you in those circumstances, I’m not sure even I could defend myself against a gang that wanted to break into my house.”

As crime statistics reveal, potentially armed citizens are a threat to any criminal or terrorist.

The dumbed-down Liberals and the ALP with their equally irresponsible bureaucracy have some esoteric belief the police will save the public from being shot by a terrorist or a home invader. The families of those killed at the Lindt Cafe in Sydney would disagree.

The Lindt saga would not have got off the ground if just one patron had a legal .22 pistol in their handbag or pocket.

Why doesn’t Mr Keenan look at the avalanche of evidence that has surfaced since the Port Arthur training exercise revealing some of the alleged victims did not exist, or the numerous other anomalies proving Martin Bryant was not present at Port Arthur when the shooting took place at the Broad Arrow Café.

Mr Keenan should ask his colleague, the Liberal President of the senate and former Tasmania police officer, Stephen Parry for confirmation of these facts. Mr Parry was smack in the middle of the Port Arthur training exercise and has subsequently admitted as much in a speech to the Undertakers and Embalmers Association.

In 2016 Parry was outed by Austrian author and forensic investigator, Dr Keith Noble, for his part in the official training exercise cum massacre cover-up.

The Islamists and the crooks know we can’t fight back, unlike our American cousins, who repel fire with fire. Now Australia has assumed the official status of the 51st State of the United States, every responsible citizen should have the option of concealed carry.

Knives now are the preferred weapon in homicides. Minister Keenan soon will have the nation eating with chopsticks

It has been announced that the homicide rate has substantially fallen in Australia and the weapon used by criminals in 37 per cent of cases is a knife.

If Minister Keenan has his way, soon you will be eating your food with chopsticks.