Letter to the Editor

lawThe Separation of Church and State is fundamental to peace order and good government and is guaranteed by the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 and Ch III The Constitution, but a small minority, the Legal Profession who have as probably their most important clients, the Big Banks, with almost a quarter of the members in both houses of this Parliament scattered equally between the Liberals and Labor have compelled us to be members of a de-facto Church of Australia by compelling us to vote mostly for one or the other. With preferential voting one or the other ends up with our vote eventually. We have no lawyers admitted to practice representing the people in this House in the Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party.

For 498 years the English banned lawyers altogether from sitting in the House of Commons. It worked for them, because the King could appoint leading lawyers to the House of Lords, as Life Peers, to keep the bastards in the House of Commons honest. In 1872, after 498 years they let lawyers back into the House of Commons. From 1374 to 1872 not one lawyer sat in the House of Commons. They kept the born to rule attitude out of the House of Commons. But here in Australia both Labor and the Liberals have many career politicians who were lawyers before coming here. Not one of them picked up on the problems with the High Court. At the very top the Australian system was flawed. It is flawed right down to the suburban solicitor, and local Magistrate who almost every day tells someone before them to get a lawyer.

PoliticianIt is almost as if Lawyers have formed an alternate Compulsory Church or Cartel for want of a better name, The Church of Satan and the Latter day Demons. It writes its own Rule Book just like the Muslims do. Comply or do not come to our Court. It has Judges in Court both with capital Letters, and yet Justice McKerracher in Perth, either never did punctuation in school, or like the High Court did not issue process in the name of the Queen, does not understand the significance of a Capital Letter and one that has no capitals. In the Australian Constitution the words ‘court’ and “courts” appear twice without Capitals. The word “judges” appears twice, and this is supposed to guarantee the Separation of Powers, the power to judge from the Power to Administer a judgment. Merging the two in a Judge makes the separation of powers a joke. These houses, in S 2 Judiciary Act 1903 defines Appeal as any proceeding to call in question the proceedings, jurisdiction or decision of a Judge Capitalised or Court capitalised as an Appeal. We must ask Judge McKerracher what he does not understand by that Section. It looks like black and white law to me.

There is an Australian Style Manual published by the Commonwealth available from the Tables Office here. Perhaps it should be the basis of a Recall by Universities of every Student since 1973, for a new update on the Australian Constitution, for six months, so they can read and understand English as she is written in Australia. It clearly differentiated between a word with a Capital letter and one without. Because they have not really understood English when they graduated, none of the lawyers in this place in the last twelve years picked up on the contempt held for this place by the High Court for 12 years. Perhaps every Member and Senator should get and read a copy of the Style Manual.

Because they have not done so, the Australian Banks have made a profit of over 45 billion dollars in the past 12 months, and mocked the people of Australia in this place last week, while the Government has a deficit of around 38 billion dollars, entirely because the lawyers serving these Banks cannot read and write properly. The fraud industry relies absolutely on ignorance. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. I have evidence that 35 Billion dollars of Home Loans in Australia were reclassified as Investment Loans, so they could be called up to strip the assets of people who could not meet the much shorter time frames of Investment Loans compared to Homer Loans, which when called out by an unrepresented individual, at great cost, were switched back to Home Loans again. We have the black and white forgeries done by Bank Managers do do this, and how the Law Firms sacked lawyers who admitted this had been done.

Every day someone in distress comes to my Office. Many are contemplating suicide, because they see no hope. 27 a week successfully suicide, and we at Pauline Hanson’s One Nation want to give them back hope, and trust. Trust that what comes out of here means something. Hope that the words of the English Language mean something. Hope that the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Published as Schedule 2 to the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986, will govern the Next set of Rules of Court in every court both State and Federal in every nook and cranny in Australia, or should I say in every Crook and Nanny. The Nanny State relies on lawyers and Crooks as Judges. Many lawyers from here have gone on to be High Court Judges. Barwick from the Liberals and Murphy from Labor come to mind.

We at Pauline Hanson;s One Nation stand for reform. God knows we need it. By asking the hard questions, and restoring the Separation of Powers to give every Religion a fair go, we want to make this wonderful country a land of hope and glory where fairness and honesty reign Supreme in every “court” without exception. The Queen represents Honesty and Integrity, In Victoria and my home State Judges no longer swear allegiance to Her. Some Judges have resigned in protest, but many absolutely dependent for their salaries on the State like McKerracher J, have stayed on, rendering service not to the Queen but some foreign unknown God invented by the United Nations. This why I called out the High Court. We cannot sit here owing Allegiance to a Foreign Power, so why should they be allowed to do so.

Peter Gargan ~ Perth