Former police prosecutor David Walter with one of his beloved black cockatoos. ‘There is not a lawful court or government in the nation’

 Property rights battler asks for supporters to attend Brisbane Supreme Court at 9am on March 16, 2016

Walter's court document
Click the copy above to view the complete document

This application, filed in the Brisbane Supreme Court could see the beginning of the end for corporate government in Australia. The applicant is retired Northern Territory police prosecutor, David Walter, now living near Herberton, Far North Queensland.

David has championed the cause of property rights for 10 years after the Queensland Labor Government placed an environmental listing over freehold land at Cardwell, on a 15 acre retirement block owned by ageing Toowoomba widow Mrs Catherine Burns. Her late husband had retired from the police force and they intended to move onto the block to live out their lives. Walter has taken up the cause for Mrs Burns and dozens of other disaffected landowners across the state who fell victim to the Labor Party’s ‘unlawful’ vegetation and environmental laws. Mrs Burns has been unable to sell her block because of the environmental overlay, purportedly placed on her land as a haven for a bloody glider possum. Neighbors say only one has been seen in the vicinity over the past 10 years.

Due to his effectiveness as an advocate for his legal argument over many years, Walter has been (unlawfully) banned by the Queensland Bar Society from putting one foot in a courtroom, with the penalty of two years jail hanging over him.

Walter has campaigned long and hard in and out of all levels of courts across the state, only to have various magistrates and judges agreeing with his argument, but having all cases thrown out because of corporate ‘political party’ legislation, which he says contains no living persons, and cannot be enforced because there is not a lawful court or parliament in the country.

The legal battles have come at great monetary and personal expense for Walter, particularly when he lost his wife Lynnie, suddenly last year.

He prepared a case against the Mackay City Council for one hapless landowner, which, like all the others was thrown out of court. This time around the Judge awarded costs of more than $20,000 against Walter, even though he was not present in the court. He told the Council and its dodgy solicitors to “go to hell,” because Australian currency is worthless.

Now the Mackay Council has obtained orders from the Supreme Court to bankrupt him and take his property.

He has had offers of financial assistance but he doggedly pushes on totally believing in his cause to restore ownership of freehold land to the people. Since Whitlam amended the Royal Styles and Titles Act removing the ‘Crown’ in 1973, without the Queen’s consent, he says all private land is now owned by ‘political party corporations.’

The case on Wednesday March 16, could lead to a collapse of the entire political party system of government in Australia and other Commonwealth nations.

Walter has asked that as many people as possible attend the court to watch injustice in action.