Prime MinisterTurnbull’s flawed knowledge of Islam from Q & A SEPTEMBER 16, 2015

To refresh your minds, we have re-published this post from last December.


from Gil May


Islam is an ancient religion of great scholarship

Islam is not an ancient (belonging to the very distant past) religion it is a recent invention 1400 year ago.

PM Malcolm Turnbull airing his valuable knowledge about Islam


For heavens sake, Much of Our learning and culture came to us from the Moslems our whole system of numbers

The most commonly used system of numerals is the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

Two Indian Mathematicians are credited with developing it.

The numeral system and zero concept developed by the Hindus in India, slowly spread to other surrounding countries due to their commercial and military activities with India, Arabs adopted and modified it, they did not invent it.

Before the rise of the Arab Empire, the Hindu–Arabic numeral system was already moving West and was mentioned in Syria in 662 AD by the Nestorian scholar Severus Sebokht who wrote the following:

“I will omit all discussion of the science of the Indians, … , of their subtle discoveries in astronomy, discoveries that are more ingenious than those of the Greeks and the Babylonians, and of their valuable methods of calculation which surpass description. I wish only to say that this computation is done by means of nine signs. If those who believe, because they speak Greek, that they have arrived at the limits of science, would read the Indian texts, they would be convinced, even if a little late in the day, that there are others who know something of value.”[

According to al-Qifti’s chronology of the scholars

“… a person from India presented himself before the Caliph al-Mansur in the year [776 AD] who was well versed in the siddhanta method of calculation related to the movement of the heavenly bodies, and having ways of calculating equations based on the half-chord [essentially the sine] calculated in half-degrees … This is all contained in a work … from which he claimed to have taken the half-chord calculated for one minute. Al-Mansur ordered this book to be translated into Arabic, and a work to be written, based on the translation, to give the a solid base for calculating the movements of the planets …”



Much of the learning of the ancient Greeks only survived because of the Arab scholars. Islam is a great tradition.

During the Islamic wars where they swallowed surrounding cultures, the pre-existing sciences, philosophies and learnings were absorbed into Islamic culture and eventually translated into Arabic. The massive Christian contribution in translating the sciences were later identified as Arab Islam, when in reality the greater percentage of real science was developed from the prior teachings of Greek, Indic, Assyrian, and Persian knowledge.


It is important for us that we promote and encourage Islam traditions that are moderate, that support freedom support democracy and support Australian Values.

There are NO moderate Islamic traditions—they are all fanatical: read the Koran and see.

The Global Islamic population is approximately 1,200,000,000, that is ONE BILLION TWO HUNDRED MILLION
or 20% of the world’s population.
They have received on 7 Nobel Prizes: – 1. Literature: 4 Peace (resolving problems they created) 2. Medicine – from western education.

The Global Jewish population is approximately 14,000,000; that is FOURTEEN MILLION or about 0.02% of the world’s population.
They have received 129 Nobel Prizes.

Australia with a small population has received 15 Nobel Prizes.

The leading Marxist of the ABC, Tony Jones, Q & A host

Islam has made no major contribution to the world other than terrorism and barbaric acts where their Shari law prohibits women from education, respect and decency—the opposite of modern decent living. Where women are killed at random, tortured, raped, amputated and stoned to death. ISIS has shown the underlying fundamental basis of Islam with their horrific acts against young girls of different belief, rapes, torture, cutting their throats and catching the blood to throw over the next victims to further terrorise them; men torn apart, genital ripped off, burnt, crucified, others hung with hooks to die.

The reason: The Muslim religious/political/ideology brainwashing does not allow free thinking, supressing innovation and ideas. Add to that the dogma of marrying first cousins.

Due to religious direction of marrying cousins for 1,400 years the end result is devastating inbreeding, infant deaths, deformities and low IQ. The end result as determined by several overseas courts and recently the London Coroner’s Court ruling shockingly deformed babies that died were the result of serious inbreeding genetic defects and had no hope of survival and not discrimination and neglect by white doctors/hospitals as claimed. The ongoing problems of inbreeding also create intelligence rationale difficulties used by their leaders to incite them into shocking acts.

US and UK defence experts all tell the same story of the extreme difficulty in training Moslems because of low IQ from inbreeding (generations of cousins marrying cousins marrying cousins) they found that most pilot trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moon-lit nights. Their training retention rate was minimal, including maintenance personnel. Some had dim memories and had to be constantly reminded of things that were told to them the day before. The western instructor gets burned-out quickly due to the futility. It actually took Moslem pilots years before they could fly in the dark safely and then would be reluctant to leave the lights of a city. Ask any Marine, airman or Army personnel who’s been trying to train Iraqis and especially Afghans. European governments tell the same story these migrants unable to learn a new language, hold employment or meet entrance qualifications for the military. This was indelibly displayed for all the world to see during the current ISIS attacks in Iraq where government force who outnumbering ISIS ran away because of inbreeding mental difficulties they could not rationalise the situation and what to do—all their training could not be remembered or applied. As senior US generals said on TV “They have no fight in them and little ability”. Thus to overcome this problem it is critical for ISIS to recruit foreign fighters who have not been inbred and can rationalise and think.

Ray Martin, a prominent socialist commentator when asked to evaluate the left-leaning Q & A for bias, created a sea of mirth among veteran reporters in the Press Gallery

Editor: The Q & A program aired every Monday night at 9.30 has long been accused of being hosted by Marxists with hand-picked Bolsheviks in the audience. After serious public criticism of the show for allowing a terrorist to appear on air, the ABC tried to ‘cover its arse’ by asking another prominent socialist and anti-firearms campaigner Ray Martin to investigate the claims. What do you know, Mr Martin says the show is unbiased and “straight up the middle”. We believe he was serious with this deduction, but few mainstream viewers took any notice of his learned opinion, as derisive comments on the ABC pages and letters to the editor will attest.