Gun confiscation v people control

The best expose ever done of the US Government using actors to portray shooting massacres such as Sandy Hook that the evidence so abundantly shows was a tragic hoax designed to remove guns from law abiding US citizens and naturally Australia by default. No children were shot and aggrieved parents were played by actors.


This is some very detailed work, which I think, at the very least should cause people to question the official reality of the “Sandy Hook shooting”. I think this
YouTuber does an excellent job of tearing this case apart.I’m not obsessed with this case,as I’ve become appropriately numbed by the proliferation of false flag mass-shootings during the Obama Administration. These dozens of “tragedies”, these naked,
agenda-driven, made-for-TV set pieces are invariably followed by hand-wringing broadcasts touting gun control, at a time when gun crime in the US has been steadily
going down and is lower than it’s been in decades.

Now, this crocodile tear-rolling Predator Dronemeister wants to amend the Constitution, wants us to believe that he cares about anybody, let alone the American people…His duplicitous antics are too sick for words.

It’s been proven that gun control cannot work in the US, where the Right to Bear Arms has been enshrined since the country’s founding. Most gun crimes are committed using illegally-obtained guns and the states with the tightest gun control laws (California, Illinois and New York) have the highest incidence of gun crimes.
Gun control cannot solve gun crimes in the US, it will simply feed illegal
gun trafficking, an activity that Mr. Operation Fast and Furious

Similarly to how the FBI never brought a case against any of the 19 infamous 9/11 “hijackers”, for lack of evidence, they do not directly recognize that anyone was killed at Sandy Hook, either. The alleged Sandy Hook deaths apparently came under Connecticut State jurisdiction and somehow don’t “belong” on the Federal roster. Go back to bed, America.

The reason I’m posting another video about Sandy Hook today is because the excellent documentary about the alleged shooter Adam Lanza, which I broadcast last week, seemed to have been heavily filtered by Internet Service Providers and it appears that many people did not see it. This is why I’ve avoided using specific keywords in the subject line of this newsletter.

I feel that all of the above-cited and hyperlinked clips are worthy of your serious review and consideration.

Alexandra Bruce, Publisher of FKTV.IS a newsletter, video channel and eCommerce bazaar with life-changing information & innovative Products to help us best respond to our shifting economic and environmental reality.