Recognising the face of Islam

Letter to the editor:

I have never been an “in your face” guy about political or any religious concerns , and have a truly great love of our beautiful country Australia, with all her natural beauty and easy civilian and community ways.

Recently, Della plus 3 other mature adults, one a 73 year old German National whom I had never met, and myself went to a “Muslim” open to the public day in a 1,200 seat Arabic community centre in the Auburn area of Sydney .

We did this to broaden our understanding of the Muslim in “our” Sydney community, we went peacefully and did not really know what to expect. We entered the Arabic community centre freely, and respected without compromise all Muslim ways and were totally compliant to every request and custom without fail.

All the “on stage” male speakers were exceptionally well dressed and groomed, the one hate-filled female speaker in traditional garb, with just her face exposed, was only allowed to speak from the very side of the venue in front of the “women’s area,” but still behind 10 rows of men abutting the full width of the base of the stage.

Within 2 minutes of the first speaker starting, I was already feeling very concerned about what was being said to the very attentive overflowing 1,200 seat audience.

After the end of the second speaker’s calculated but crazed ranting’s, I was actually feeling scared for the safety of our little group, but more so our ” Australian way of life”.

To cut to the chase, this was in absolutely no doubt a Muslim sleeper cell being formed, amongst many dozens of others already in existence around our Australian cities, with the sole intent of taking over Australia and overall the world, and I am 100% serious, this is no joke, you had to be there, to feel the hatred towards Australia and the non-Muslim West.

Our little group witnessed these words first hand. It shocked all of us “hardened business people” beyond description, to a point of Della crying
in despair for our countries future, on the journey home.

The venom and heated hatred, plus absolutely crazed religious emotional outpourings against all non-Muslim Australians, our Government, our way of life, plus the ways of all other non Muslim Governments and peoples of the world, was unable to be misconstrued, no matter which way you looked at it.

The exact words, “The war” that “will be won” against Australia and their non-Muslim, non-Sharia society , was clearly screamed into the PA system dozens of times, to the absolute frenzied verbal backing of all the speakers, and by the 99.99% Muslim audience that also had many dozens of young children in it.

The exact words, “All Brothers and Sisters do not have to vote in Australia any more, because “Sharia Law” will be your only guide, and Australian law is to be 100% discounted and abolished”, was a real shock to our little group.

The exact word,”All Brothers and Sisters this God forsaken land will be conquered , and become the new homeland for the true Muslim believer
and Sharia Law will rule, all non believers will be dealt with and severely punished under Sharia Law”.
I could quote 6 hours worth of crazed hatred, but I feel you all understand. I honestly fear for my children, and our special Land, and none of you have ever heard these sorts of words from my mouth.

To finish, the 73 year old German National sitting next to me leaned close to my ear and quietly said at the end of the second speaker, “This is exactly how Hitler started.”

With all honesty and sincerity,”

Submitted by

David Shreeve
